The Black Beauty Health Energy Granules are made from fresh ingredients which include black sesame seeds, black beans, black mulberries, walnuts, wolfberries, Gorgon Euryale seeds, red dates, iron stick yam, and eucalyptus honey. 乌发丸配料含精选黑芝麻,黑豆,黑桑葚,核桃,枸杞,芡实,红枣,铁棍山药,椴树蜂蜜。 The health effects of GA JMF Black Beauty Health Energy Granules include liver and kidney nourishment, solid hair texture, hair loss prevention, hair growth, conditioning white hair, moistening dry laxative. 民亮今磨房乌发丸健康效果包括滋养肝肾,固发防脱发,生发养发,调理白发,润燥通便。 Each Granule of 20g 每粒20克

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